Ecology is a human science as well as a scientific study of communications between organisms and their environment, such as the interactions organisms have with each other and with their abiotic environment. The word “ecology†was coined in 1866 by the German scientist Ernst Haeckel (1834–1919). Church of South India (CSI) is the only Church in India that has specifically mentioned the ecological concerns in the constitution itself. By going through this site you will be able to understand how CSI Synod and our dioceses are caring our environment and how we are being a model to the society. In all aspects of life, the Eco-Church fellowship will strive to re-establish the fundamental spiritual relationship of humanity with God, the Earth and all its creatures. A basic tenet of its evangelism is found in II Corinthians 5:19 which reads, "God is reconciling the whole world — or cosmos — through Christ."
Greetings from the CSI Synod Secretariat!
Church of South India (CSI) recognizes that God's mission has various dimensions. The constitution of CSI specifies the mission of the Church ...
Our objective is to define the Eco-Church fellowship and to play an active role in the spiritual-environmental revolution and to encourage an eco-friendly life style. Christians, at least in part, seem to be responsible ...
Church of South India (CSI) is the only Church in India that has specifically mentioned the ecological concerns in the constitution itself. Our objective is to define the Eco-Church fellowship and to play an active role in the ...
Think Globally and act locally!
The Church of South India constituted the Department of Ecological Concerns in 1992. It aims to develop communities with the values of sustainability both in their personal lives and within their community. The Department of Ecological Concerns has been building awareness and knowledge towards a more sustainable paradigm of living. Click below to read more on the Activity Highlights of the Department.
Release at 2 pm on 15th September 2020 Most Rev.Dharmaraj Rasalam, Moderator of the CSI Synod
Live Streaming on the facebook page of the Church of South India, Synod Secretariate.
You are cordially invited to join on FB page with us.
Our Green Commitment
The CSI Synod centre has become a model Eco Centre by implementing the various eco projects which they have been implementing in their educational institutions all over India.
CSI is the only Church in India which has mentioned Ecology as a mission in the Constitution and in Mission statement.
Our Uniqueness
The Most Rev.Ryder Devapriyam, then Moderator of CSI, inspired by the call of WCC, constituted an ecological committee in 1992.
Dept of Ecological Concerns
Eco-Ministry of the Church of South India, was among nominees for the 2019 UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development
The Ecological Concerns Department of the Church of South India Synod once again gets the international attention!!
The teachers' training for School twinning initiative (STI) was held on 24th and 25th February 2020 at CSI Synod Centre, Chennai.
Schools will be having a twinning programme with the Oxford Schools in the United Kingdom from June 2020 onwards.
UNEP keenly observes the eco-projects of the Church of South India (CSI) with great interest and we even think it is more than the work we are doing.
Appreciation of the Green Protocol of CSI is mainly because it is better doing what we are preaching.
Church of South India (CSI) Synod
Prof. P.J. Kurien, Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha, expressed his deep appreciation for the eco-conservation programmes of the CSI.
Most Rev. Thomas K Oommen, the Moderator of CSI Synod, in his presidential address, mentioned that the corporates and the developed world are responsible for the eighty per cent of pollution of this earth.
4th meeting of the Ecumenical Panel on a New International Financial and Economic Architecture (NIFEA) - a panel of experts in theology and economics.
Convened by the World Council of Churches, World Communion of Reformed Churches, Council for World Mission and the Lutheran World Federation – held in Durban, South Africa, during 16th- 20th March 2019.
All Africa Conference of Churches(AACC) is in the process of preparing a road map for congregations for an Economy of life and ecological justice.
AACC is an ecumenical fellowship that represents more than 120million African Christians in 173 national churches and regional Christian councils.
The UN extended the invitation to the Church of South India, through the World Council of Churches considering the credible work in promoting sustainable development.
Church of South India’s (CSI) Department of Ecological Concerns shared "stories of commitment and hope from India, inspiring us with the breadth of the response to climate change in the Church of South India".
10 'Green Confessions' particularly concerning our excessive use of plastic that destroys all kinds of life on earth.
To observe a meaningful lent, one needs to engage in the ministry of reviving life. This season is a time for the Church to recommit herself to join hands with nature and fight against all forces that thwart life around us.
Organised a one- day consultation on the 'Impacts of Climate Change', against the backdrop of the devastating floods took place in Kerala.
The Church of South India that considers Ecology as a mission in its Constitution and in its Mission Statement has a commitment to protect God’s creation.
The couple planted a pair of jackfruit saplings on the church premises during their wedding ceremony.
The CSI is the only Indian Church recognised by the UNDP with an eco award. The 12-point document was approved by the CSI Synod Executive which was held on 20th and 21st November 2018 at Chennai.
The CSI Synod Department of Ecological Concerns and the Henry Martin Institute, Hyderabad jointly organized a consultation to study the ecological Concerns in different religions.
Our call is to participate in the mission of God, toward the realization of the promise of the fullness of life. Hence the consultation was organized from 27th to 29th August 2018 at HMI to study the eco-concerns of the faith communities.
The annual camp of the Green Clergy and Green Teachers of CSI was held at CSI Eco-Spirituality Centre, Othera in Kerala.
The Most Rev. Thomas K. Oommen, Moderator of the Church of South India (CSI) inaugurated the camp.
The Clergy of CSI have been trying to bring out a Christian response to ecological issues, in the back drop of the current ecological issues in India.
Five volumes of Earth Bible edited by Rev. Norman C Habel have been used by the Clergy in their study in formulating an Indian Eco theology.
Environment Sunday Holy Communion Worship Order prepared by the Ecological Concerns Department of the Church of South India Synod.
Please find the Worship Service Orders for the Environmental Sunday in English, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, and Tamil in PDF format.
The Circular on Carbon Fast issued by Most Rev. Thomas K. Oommen, the Moderator of the Church of South India has already garnered the public attention even in the international level.
The circular has been translated into the South Indian languages and available for distribution now. You are requested to download them from here and share in your dioceses, organisations and institutions.
The expert committee has selected Green award winning schools and Colleges from the five southern states of South India in the Church of South India.
A Green School is a resource efficient building- onethat uses little water, optimises energy efficiency, minimises waste generation, catches and recycles water and provides healthier space for its occupants compared to a conventional building.
"Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears", because we have a fight to fight against all kinds of ecological injustice to make the 'Season of Creation' a real time of liberation and celebration.
The Church has got only two choices, either to stand with Ahab or to stand with Naboth, either to stand with Goliath or to stand with David, either to stand with the Anti Christ or Christ, either to stand with the corporate fascist state or with the poor and exploited nature and her sons and daughters.
A seminar on the Environmental Policy of the Church of South India (CSI) was inaugurated by Rt. Rev. Dr. M. Joseph, the Chairperson of the CSI Synod Department of Ecological Concerns.
We, the members of the church, are given special responsibility to make positive interventions in the ecological issues with a vision and mission to fight against the forces those destabilise ecological balance.
Earth is a balanced and diverse domain where responsible custodians can function as partners with, rather than rulers over.
The Department of Ecological Concerns of the CSI Synod has been trying to study these principles in an Indian Context.
The ACEN Steering Committee was held at Anglican Communion Office at London from 29th to 31st May 2019.
At the Anglican consultative council in Hong Kong, the Anglican Communion recognised the Climate Emergency and called upon Anglicans all over the world to respond.
The Director of Ecological department explained the aim of Green School programme, that the Church of South India (CSI) is promoting the values of sustainability.
The well-being of humanity, the environment, and the functioning of the economy, ultimately depend on the responsible management of the planet’s natural resources.
The Department of Ecological concerns of CSI synod organised a two-days workshop on Green Parables.
Parable is a language that Jesus used to make people think. It helped people for a self-discovery and started a process of transformation.
The Department of Ecological Concerns of CSI Synod published three books on Earth Bibles Sermons in the English Language.
In order to reach grass roots level, the department decided to publish the Earth Bible sermons in Telugu, Kannada, Tamil and Malayalam.
Objection against the draft E.I.A. Notification 2020, Proposing to amend the Environment Impact Notification, 2006
The Church of South India is celebrating the second Sunday of June 2018 as Ecological Sunday under the auspices of the Ecological Concerns Department of the CSI Synod. The Sermon is prepared by Rev.Viji Varghese Eapen, former director of CSI Synod Department of Ecological Concerns. This English sermon and the translations in Telugu (Rev. Ramulu Immanuel) Tamil (Prof. Philip Robinson), Malayalam (Rev. Viji Varghese Eapen), and Kannada (Rev. Ravi Joseph).
The Dioceses/churches/institutions are requested to kindly use this sermon on the Ecological Sunday.
Prof.Dr.Mathew Koshy Punnackad Hon.Director, Department of Ecological Concerns CSI Synod Centre, 5 Whites Road Royapettah, Chennai 600014 Email mobile/whatsApp +91 9847275754
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